You are Preparing for your Dreams
Mar 27, 2019“The progress that you have made through this Mercury retrograde has not gone unseen. Even though you are expecting to be able to feel more relief and to have that jolt of forward movement now that it will be direct very soon. This energy is about understanding that even though there may be parameters that you understand as an expectation or what you possibly feel will be coming around the corner, one must learn to be able to eb and flow with the energies that are coming through. In terms of emotion of what we are speaking of the energy of what you may be feeling today is heavily connected to all of your emotions from the past coming up to the surface. And at the same time feeling positive energy coming in from your higher level of consciousness.”
“The reason for this is so that you can allow the saturation of energy and high emotions to come through and usher you long actually within a faster cleansing process than many of the souls on this planet have never seen or experienced before. So when you are experiencing this it can feel not good. It can feel scary, uneasy, extremely emotional, very negative, it can feel all of these different things because there are a multitude of things going on. But this is actually of a higher calling and a deep blessing for many of you to experience at this time because it is assisting you to break free from the old Paradigm. From the old mental habits and mindsets that were clogging your vision or holding you back like weights to your ankles. Making it impossible for you to rise above and now at time you are seeing that you are never truly chained down or stuck in any way. It was how the evolutionary process was going on for your system and now you have gotten to this point where you can free fall into the unknown. Surrender and float above the chaos that is happening deep within your emotional and mental states. “
“Do not be afraid of the unknown because from what we are trying to speak to you about, there is more positive energy to all of this than there is negative. This is where you can turn on the magic with inside yourself through way of your intuition and the way of introspection to obtain those insights. By allowing yourself to surrender you will be able to experience true reality and true connection. There is so much power within the release and acceptance of the now moment and holding that vision of what you do want but knowing that you are safe to surrender to know that it is already coming your way. Because you can trust yourself now, or at least begin to. And that is what we hope for all of you. That you will be able to trust yourself to become this new multi-dimensional human being that you have always been. But to trust that you have the strength inner direction to create your reality that you are and have always longed for, to be and to have. We see beautiful things for you. We are the Arcturians until we speak again”
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