You Are Whole

Jul 31, 2019

“This phase that you have all just gone through or at the tail end of has been a deep intense clearing up of your mental state, the way that you communicate, the way that you interact with technology. Clearing up old habits that no longer serve you and showing you what needs to be reconnected within having better communication or finding that better balance for yourself. It has been a vacuum to help clear all of that out and make it easier even though in the process it feels unnecessary. But what is now opening up for you today and tomorrow especially is this beautiful energy that has been floating around you all, but it is ready for you to meet it with open arms to receive this deep energy of love. This deep energy and high frequency of remembering who you truly are, remembering why you are here at this time, remembering how to coexist with one another in ways that create more peace, more love, more harmony. We are proud of all of you for all of the work that you have done and continue to do. So don't lose hope in all of the desires that you are longing for. Allow yourself today to surrender and let go  of your frustration and your pain and allow it to be transformed so that you can be rebirth with this new moon energy. Allow that darkness, that shadow within yourself to meet your light and find such peace within the contrast, within your whole self. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.”


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