Your Future is Ready For You

Feb 13, 2019

“Today is about understanding oneself from yesterday's insight. Having a more understood and definite vision forward. Looking down a straight and narrow path to realize that is your new direction, your compass of your soul will be leading you now more today. For the rest of the week as we spoke before there will still be a cleansing of your mental and emotional bodies. You will be able to rest easier as this cleanse keeps happening. Waves of higher upgrades will come to you as things then dissipate and transform. So for some it can feel tumultuous today because some of you will be more sensitive to the energies that are being transferred out and replaced with new energy. This can also look as ways of you defining better what you wish to keep creating and having more self-discipline to steer yourself in that right direction. Instead of continuously repeating the same old patterns that no longer serve you anymore. And that can be a scary place to be, almost in two different worlds.  Some of you are not feeling so disjointed, but for the majority of the collective there is a big shift happening of feeling within the duality of oneself and seeing it out in one's surroundings within the news that you see or within just your own everyday life.”  

“This is part of a bigger Awakening that is happening now with these higher energies and frequencies coming in and you are all right on schedule. So there is no need to rush through these energies because that is only going to tire your system more. We don't wish to cause too much turbulence within these energies that are coming in and there are other forces at work, that are always there to help you and are monitoring how you are processing these upgrades.” 

“Today is also a day where as we spoke about the growth coming through, your roots are growing deeper now. Solidifying and putting down that foundation of structure for what else you wish to create for a very long projected out timeline for yourself. That's what today will be, it will be you standing in your power to then feel an immense support behind you. Gaining that security and completion of your past. To no longer stay in that victimization story that was holding you back before. Those classifications of either always worrying or anger, those certain labels that you identified as being your normal, you have that opportunity to let that dissolve and let that be part of your past. To then choose a different emotion and thought forward to open up yourselves to more abundance and to being happier more of the time.” 

“The goal is not to be happy all the time. That is not even what spiritual evolution is about. The goal, is to be able to balance both dualities and to keep evolving through that influx of going back and forth and dealing with what comes up in your surroundings and in your system. That's why we have been trying to tell you to be as nurturing as you can with yourself with every emotion and to not deem one right or wrong.  Because it just is, you just are. There's so much liberation within that awareness! And that is what we wish to also bring to you today is that being still and feeling this immense power of your own being and feeling more confident about who you are as an entire human being, as everything.” 

“Today may come with its challenges because in order to keep moving forward you must continuously take those steps into that right direction for yourself whatever that may look like. To let go of that old past self. Because the more you move forward the more you are walking away from all that no longer serves you anymore. To rebirth yourself and to recreate, using your past as a way of understanding and utilizing the lessons that you have been taught through traumas or just more experience about knowing what you then do want. How to better yourself from the past.” 

“If you feel fear about moving forward or even standing within this duality, know that you are safe even if the fear does come up because you are going into the unknown. But yet it is welcoming you with open arms to help you realize your potential. You are meant to Blossom. You are meant to expand. You are meant to love and be loved and to have healthy relationships, especially with yourself first and foremost. The things that you desire are already waiting for you to tap into that frequency and to allow any doubt or limitation to melt away. We are excited for you. All is going according to each souls correct level of awareness and also within the collective energy. So again rest as much as you can through these energies. Listen to your body. Your body has an emotional and a heightened   intelligence that sometimes the mind cannot connect with. But the more that you can tap into that feeling of what your body is telling you it needs, the more you will find balance within that mental clarity or turbulence. The dust is settling. Allow yourself to transform. You are safe. Until we speak again, we are the Arcturians."


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