Your Strength Resides within your Shadows

Oct 18, 2019

At this time for you today many of you may be feeling an immense amount of energy coming into your systems. Many of you may be experiencing downloads or purging again from the downloads. The cycle that you are all on is all unique to your own specific time line and journey. We know that it can be frustrating to feel that you step backwards when you want to keep moving forwards. But the beauty of that is that you are always ascending even if you feel that you have regressed in some way. It is a circular upward motion that you are all on. And when you feel like you go backwards you are actually just revisiting something from that New Perspective that you have gained.

More of your lower frequencies within your chakra system, your energetics need to be cleansed in order for that ascension and expansion to keep happening. And it happens in the timing that is right for your system uniquely. There is going to be a deep heart expansion for the collective and we are excited to see this and we are excited to talk to you about it because it means that there is no going back for the frequency of the collective consciousness.

You're all doing such a beautiful work to make this happen. The more that your inner journey expands the more that the collective Consciousness can be open to this shift of frequency. An important thing to remember is that even if you still see so much turmoil in the world so much pain, know that everything serves a purpose everything has its reason. And you on your own journey have experienced immense amount of pain and we know that you have recognized or keep recognizing that, that is where your strength resides within your own shadow within your own darkness. It revels to you your light through that contrast. You are always supported, you are all loved. This weekend will bring very much beautiful insight and we are excited for all of you. We are the Arcturians until we speak again.


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