You Are Whole Jul 31, 2019

“This phase that you have all just gone through or at the tail end of has been a deep intense clearing up of your mental state, the way that you communicate, the way that you interact with...

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Finding Your Own Flow Jul 22, 2019

“We can see that the planetary alignment that is connected with your energy field within your own personal field and within your collective field, is being showered with an abundance of...

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Where is your Focus Jul 17, 2019

“The pressures that you face from your daily life from your daily routine are able to shift now in terms of your perspective of what is most important to you. Society  places importance...

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Full Moon and Eclipse Intensity Jul 16, 2019

“For many of you it may feel as if too much of the past is coming up today. That the things that you thought you were at peace with, actually still have something to teach you, still...

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Clearing to Allow in the New Jul 15, 2019

“We know that many of you are tired especially at this time with this build up towards the lunar eclipse and your full moon. We know that there has been so much coming forward so much being...

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The Ripple Effect Jul 11, 2019

“The time that you have spent so far within your lifetime has been preparing you for this energetic shift that is happening for all of humanity. But in order for it to come to fruition in...

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Your Daily Practice Jul 10, 2019

“The daily practice that you hold for yourself can help balance your energy, even in the smallest of ways. The way that you nurture yourself by what you eat or by your thoughts can be very...

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You Are Limitless Jul 09, 2019

“More and more of you are coming into the awareness that your lives have the opportunity now to change into a whole other playing field.  The things that you used to think were only...

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Rewind To Refocus Jul 08, 2019

“At this time the world may seem like it is going backwards. That from the outward expression of most of humanity, there seems to be more darkness than light. But that is the illusion of...

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Feminine & Masculine Balancing Jun 26, 2019

“Today specifically there is an emphasis on the feminine energy. The feminine of each and everyone of you even if you are predominantly male. The natural order of earth especially is...

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What is your Truth Jun 20, 2019

“The veil of illusion is falling more and more with every passing day. And what we mean specifically is that the collective consciousness is understanding the old limitations that have been...

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Let go of the Destination Jun 19, 2019

“We can see that a majority of you are not appreciating how far you have come, or appreciating yourself as much as you could. The beauty that you give to the world is beyond compare to...

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